Sydney Water asked channelzero to create a campaign that would build trust and pride in Sydney’s tap water. Targeting families in western sydney, we faced the parental mindset that drinking tap water was unsafe, coupled with the teen mindset that drinking bottled water was more glam.
As Creative Director, I helped to position Sydney's tap water as 'the Brand Without A Bottle'. playing off the tenants of health, sustainability and convenience, we recruited local high schools to submit film concepts, for a chance to see their ideas come to life on the big screen.
To reach our year 7 & 8 students, we provided a full unit of persuasive writing to their English teachers to immerse the project into the curriculum. social media was also used to help promote awareness and drive public voting on the students' film ideas.
over 20 schools were involved, 45 storyboards were submitted and 12,500 votes were registered. six schools' concepts were produced and showcased during a gala community film night, with sydney water awarding $3,000 to the grand jury winning schools for A project of their choice.